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How to Get Your Board of Directors on the Same Page

Posted by: admin  /   Category: Uncategorized   /   No Comments

In board meetings, directors present their views and debate diverse ideas to find the consensus. These might be issues pertaining to company policy, management appointments or even how to respond to emergencies. But achieving consensus isn’t as easy as it appears. It’s actually impossible to take a major decision without the full backing of your board members, and getting them all on the same as one another can be a tiring endeavor.

The first step is to create the structure that will ensure that every meeting yields the highest quality of results. This means that you must distribute the meeting materials at least a week before the meeting to allow the attendees time to read them and comprehend the material. In addition, many boards now have a practice of having a brief internal meeting prior to the actual board meeting where they discuss agenda items prior to the time.

Then, ensure that the purpose of the meeting is clearly defined. This helps to maintain focus and facilitate discussion, all the while ensuring the board’s decision-making process is transparent.

Encourage participation by asking for feedback at the end of every meeting. This will help you identify and address any problems in the way your board works, and will help them stay on track towards achieving their goals. Ideally, this should be done via surveys, anonymous polls, or through facilitated discussions.

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